“My name is Julie Kenwell and I am a Plant Killer.”
There, I said it!
My one true talent in life is surely murdering foliage and pretty florals.
And as such, my house is completely void of any of them, except for those of the artificial variety.
I’m certainly not going to win any friends in the gardening world as a result of this little confession, but the reality is that I just don’t have the knack for keeping plants or flowers alive, and when I say 'knack', what I really mean is interest.
I’ve never been green-fingered, and I don’t honestly see that ever changing.
And why would I when there is such an incredible variety of faux florals and plants out there now?
Thankfully, for plant murderers like myself, it is becoming easier to ‘fake it’!
My house is dotted with little artificial floral arrangements that make just as much of an impact as the real deal. So much so that I now see them as a permanent decorative touch in my home that I am proud to put on display. And I'm prepared to put my money where my mouth is by showing you some of them in this blogpost!
In the world of fashion, people often talk about the ‘cost per wear’ when justifying their ‘investment’ in expensive items of clothing. Well, my cost per wear when it comes to my artificial blooms is priceless.
And what I have found over the course of my faux floral foraging, is that there are so many more benefits to being the proud owner of a fake flower arrangement or plant than the mere fact that they are low maintenance.
They are allergy free, for one, they will last you a life-time and, depending on the season, you can interweave some of your favourites with other new ones as you add to your collection over time.
You also don’t have to worry about where you place them in your home, they won’t droop in the warmer weather either and you never have to worry about greenfly.
They make a great gifting option too.
Many big name retail companies have reported a significant rise in faux floral sales in the run up to Mother’s Day over the last few years.
The saying goes: "Fake it 'til you make it". I say, just fake it!
All the flowers included in this blogpost are in my own home, purchased from either Osborne & Co. or our sister store, A E Kenwell & Sons in Dromore over the last few years.